Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Digs

Today was a truly momentous day. For the past 2 1/2 months, I've slept in a bassinet either next to my parents' bed or in my room. Truth be told, I'm quite attached to the bassinet. I'm getting a bit big for it, but I like reaching out and grabbing both sides to make it swing. But today, for the first time, I took a nap in my crib in my room. And let me tell you, babies, it's everything I thought it could be.

OK, maybe that's overstating it a bit, but it went fine as far as I could tell. The bars evoke a bit of Guantanamo (read my earlier blog about high flow nipples for my thoughts on waterboarding...). The larger size makes me feel like I've shrunk overnight. The fact that it's in my own room makes me feel like I've left for college, only without the futon and cans of tuna. But overall I'm cool with it. That's just how I roll. I haven't spent a full night there, but I have a feeling my parents are trying to ease me into it. If any of you see my parents, please tell them to switch me to the crib now. Sometimes my dad snores like a drowning hippo.

I've also become quite good at flipping over onto my back. It still surprises me once I accomplish the deed. Now if only I could figure out what to do once I get there. I haven't yet figured out how to get back on my front. Doesn't this sound a bit like our Iraq policy?

As a last comment, I'd like to welcome any and all suggestions for how to pimp my crib. Right now it's a plain white crib, and the only accoutrement is a mirror. Apparently my parents want to make me narcissistic as early as possible. I'm sure my parents have ideas, but nobody ever accused them of having style. Please help.


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