Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This isn't the most flattering picture of me, but one look at this snapshot and you'll see why I'm saying ouch over and over again...

See those two little buds sticking out of my gums. TEETH! TEETH! It's about time!

I'm heading down to LA to celebrate the new year with Britney and J. Lo. and Lindsey and my other cougars. But before I headed out I wanted to give a shout out to my dad's bike, which successfully took me on my first bike ride the other day:

My parents bought this very cool bike seat for me. Instead of sitting in the rear and staring at my dad's...well, rear...I sit right in front of my dad between him and the handlebars in my own padded seat. It's really fun and comfy for me but my dad said that after the ride he felt like he'd just ridden a horse. He had to keep his knees turned out the entire time so he wouldn't keep kneeing me in the side. It was fun for me though! Giddyup daddy!

Also a big shout out to the Kaplan clan who came to visit me yesterday. I have so much fun with them! They make funny faces at me. Babies like me love that.

That's it for now - off to pack!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry xmas - hey wait, i'm jewish!

To celebrate the holiday, I decided to post the video I sent in to "dancing with the stars." I'm still hoping to get selected for next season. Obviously, I'll be one of the stars, not one of the schlubs who dance with the stars. I hope they play electronic classical music on the show.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Spencer launches bid to be appointed Illinois Senator

I feel the need to comment on some rumors swirling in the blogosphere. Let me be perfectly clear. In no way was I, nor were any of my handlers, implicated by any wire taps in the Blagojevich Senate-for-cash scandal. Of course, I'd make a great appointee for Senator from Illinois - if you're able to overlook some minor details, like I'm not from Illinois, and my official age is zero. But let me lay out my platform:

1. Lower drinking age to zero.
2. Lower driving age to zero.
3. Lower voting age to zero.
4. Fund a campaign targeted towards infants under the age of 2 educating them on the dangers of drinkng and driving, or drinking and voting, or driving and voting. These things just don't mix.
5. Change is good. Especially when you have a poopy diaper. If appointed, my parents will be the First Changers.

On a separate topic, it's my first Hanukkah, and I already know how to spell Hanukkah. I am such a rock star!

One other thing - I'm starting to practice in earnest to cement my position early as pre-school class clown. I'm not in pre-school yet, but it's never too early. Here are some class clown faces I've been working on:

And, finally, a ridiculously cute picture of yours truly!

Happy Hannukah!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My apologies for the delay...

....but I've been working on something.

On a separate point, please join me in a moment of silence for the Arena Football League, which just announced that it's cancelling its 2009 season. I never saw an Arena Football Leage game. I never wanted to see one. I doubt I'd ever want to see one. But it just makes me sad. He hate me.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Quite possibly the cutest video ever...

Reminds me a bit of the scene in Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid when Katharine Ross is on the bicycle - don't you think?


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Strange happenings afoot

Change is in the air. Obama is President. Ted Stevens isn't in the Senate for the first time since the civil war. My diaper has no poop in it. And, as you no doubt learned from the impersonal email from the blogger bot, my blog has officially become "invite-only."

"Spencer, is your head getting too big for your tiny infant body?" you may be thinking to yourself.

Well, no. Although I do blame the weight of my head for my current inability to walk without attracting a potential public drunkenness citation.

It turns out that recently we've been getting just a few too many hits on the blog for my parents' liking...including some (nice) comments from Malaysia and India...so we all agreed that we'd rather not have my face show up on someone's my space page photoshopped into the Pamela and Tommy Lee video. But if that did happen, I'd hope to be photoshopped in as a participant rather than some baby looking through the boat's windows.

Also, my website, www.spencerweinberg.com, will be password protected once my dad figures out how to accomplish that. For those of you with an insatiable appetitite for spencerabilia, the password will be spencerweinberg. My dad's got mad creativity skills.

So with that news discussed, I'm trying to upload the best video in history, but I'm afraid Blogger isn't working with me, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow....

I'm such a tease. Just like Pamela Anderson.

Instead, here are a few pictures from my trip to see my whole family - both Mom's and Dad's - in Los Angeles.

Here I am with my mom's family - mom, Grandma Joyce and Aunt Belinda. That's a whole lotta brown hair.

And here I am with my dad's family - my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins. It's tough to get a good picture with all that craziness!

Here's everyone piling into bed with me to read me a bedtime story!

And...SURPRISE! I loved playing with hide and seek behind the kitchen door!
