Sunday, January 25, 2009


Life in the fast lane is hard for a baby (feel free to start humming "It's hard out here for a pimp"). So to get away from all the pressures society heaps on a type-A infant, I spent the last week in Zihuatanejo, Mexico with my parents. And I can honestly say that, at a consistent 75-85 degrees and sunny, it beats the heck out of a dreary San Francisco winter. Hammocks, plunge pools, steps from the beach, diapers changed by Mexican pageant queens and bottles of ambrosia cooked by ancient Mayan princesses - not a bad life.

I loved it!

In fact, I was so excited, I couldn't wait to pack and leave San Francisco!

I was there with my new friend Jacob, who's about a half year older than me, which made it so fun for me to try to keep up with him.

I love the sand. I love walking in the sand, playing in the sand, eating the sand, throwing sand, getting it in my ears so it takes days to clean it out - you name it, if there's sand involved, it's for me.

The grass isn't so bad, either, though....

I'm a huge fan of hammocks. I know my parents are, too. I think there's a serious business opportunity for the furniture maker who develops a hammock-based crib. I want a royalty for the idea, though!

Walking on the beach is hard work - and dangerous. Here's a quick clip...

On one of the beaches we ran into some little turtles. These little monsters freak me out!

But at least the turtles were less freaky than the pufferfish we almost tripped over...yuck!

I ate lots of new foods in Mexico, like refried beans, honey (finally!), and lime. Wait, lime? Am I serious? Yes.

It's official - I'll eat anything. But it's tough to say no to food when you're eating literally on the beach.

Here's a cute shot of everyone together before we had to leave - Carmit, Georges, Jacob, mom and dad and me!

I was so sad to go! I even tried to escape from the airport...

OK, just a few more shots. I just can't help myself!

All in all, it was a fantastic trip to my first foreign destination, but I'm back in the US now, and I have to admit that when I stepped off the plane in San Francisco last night (or, to be more accurate, when I was carried fast asleep off the plane...) the sense of HOPE was so pungent that it brought a sweet smile to my face. I wonder why...? :)


ps: my family is so cute!

pps: did I mention that I'm officially 1 year old now? Yay!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gearing up for the Inauguration

I fully expect to get a call from the Obama transition team on my fisher price cell phone this week, requesting that I accompany him during his trip to take the oath of office next week in Washington, D.C. Perhaps I'll be asked to carry the bible and hand it to the chief justice, or perhaps I'll be asked to sit behind Obama within the camera angle so the world can see how even babies are in support of him. Either way, I assume I'll march with Obama up the stairs into history. So I've been practicing,,,


Monday, January 12, 2009

my 1st birthday party!

OK, so it's not quite my first birthday yet...but that doesn't mean I can't pah-tay, does it?

In case you have 4 minutes to kill, here's a video of me eating my first ever cupcake!

My mom made some phat cupcakes. She made two varieties - one was a banana bread cupcake (you know what my parents say banana is? baby crack.) and the other was an applesauce cupcake. YUM!

They were finger-licking good. It wouldn't surprise me if Michelle Obama serves the same cupcakes for the inauguration. If she's not planning to, she should...and given the number of people expected to attend she should start baking today.

Overall, the day was terribly exciting!

I'll give more of an update on my ACTUAL birthday, which is Friday!!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

(Belated) Happy New Year!

Wow, 2009. Already. I feel like it was just 2008 when I was born, took my first breath, started smiling, turned over, started crawling, started eating solid food and took my first steps. Wow, that was a lot to get accomplished in 2008! That's way more than George Bush got done...and I definitely made a much more positive impact on the world than anything he did. Can you say "compost pile"?

I had such a fun new year. I spent it down in Los Angeles (yes, another holiday in the land of Britney and Kobe) and visited my family and also a good friend of my mom who was in from a place called London, which I've never been to but I hear it's dismally grey, terribly expensive, and that even the breast milk tastes like shepherds pie.

The whole family went to the LA Zoo. Here's a great shot of me and my dad being pensive, thinking about some animal or another.

It might have been a lemur or maybe a toucan. They all look like stuffed animals to me, anyway.

My cousin Sam is a total goofball. Here he is with his underwear on his head. You can tell what I'm thinking: "this kid is odd."

I had a ton of fun with my cousins - here we are playing with the leaves in their back yard! Can you believe it? Raking the leaves in January?

And look how cute I am having fun on the slide!!

One smiley happy family...and another of my Aunt and Uncle and cousins. I call it their Family Feud pose.

I have to show a couple of videos. I'm not potty trained yet, but I definitely know how to handle toilet paper.

And here's a true classic - my grandpa singing me some nursery rhymes. Listen carefully to how he's corrupting me at such a young age!

I'm destined to be a porn king.
