Wednesday, March 31, 2010

big boy bed! big boy bed!

Say that 10 times fast. And then scream that at the top of your lungs outside your window, because...I'm not making this up...I slept in my big boy bed for the first time on this past Saturday night! Yes, set your outlook reminders to March 27, which will be forever known as Big Boy Bed day, and will probably be a French workman's holiday by next year. Yes, French people are lazy workers. And I don't even wipe my own butt, so that's a serious diss coming from me.

Here I am on the first of what will probably be a long string of nights on a big boy bed, with the possible exception of most of college.

First my mom jumped into bed with me.

Then we read a book.

Note that my mom's reading me "Once Upon a Potty"...yes, worst fairy tale ever, I know....but a note to mom: one big advancement at a time please!

Then a bit of water....

And bingo, I was off to dreamland, courtesy of Pottery Barn Kids.

Yes, the whole setup is Pottery Barn Kids. What is a Pottery Barn anyway? What kind of farmer also does pottery? Where does a farmer find the time for pottery with all those cows to milk in his barn? Makes no sense to me. If I ever decide to start a moderately trendy retail shop, I'm going to name it something with two random words strung together, like the Coffee Igloo, or the Tuxedo Silo, or even the Furniture Yert.

So what else...hmmm...well we had passover seder at our house this year, and my friends Toby, Zander and Zoe came by with parents in tow so we could all have grape juice and go on a sugar rampage through the house.

Here's my first matzo of the year... and thank goodness probably the last.

And look who's at the head spot at the table!!

And who is this Elijah character and when does he come in???

Oh! And lookie who found the afikoman!

I had the home field advantage for sure. It was funny to see how all the parents were like..."come on kid, find it, make dad proud." Uh, we're like 2 years old, and there's no such thing as a professional afikoman finder, although "Professional Afikoman Finder" does sound like a good title for the next Michael Chabon novel. All the kids got presents though. That's good form to prevent major meltdowns.

So Happy Passover to all and a Happy Easter to all others, and I leave you with the appearance of a song...


Monday, March 15, 2010

i know my ABCs!

check this out! not bad....except for the whole lmnop part.

Things are going swimmingly at the Spencer household. My little brother, who I've named Baby Moby for no reason at all, is apparently growing like a pumpkin, and my mom apparently ate a pumpkin on top of that because I've never seen her so big! Well, at least not from the outside.

I've been learning to swim, I jump around all the time, I still can hit a mean curveball (as long as it's stationary on a tee), and I'm just as frustrated as the next left-wing baby that the democrats can't get their act together to pass any meaningful legislation that will in any way help me once i become a productive member of society. Yes, I know what you're thinking - "Spencer, you're so productive already, what with all the poop you produce." Well you're right, but I've got grander visions.

On that topic, does anyone have a sure-fire potty training method for my parents? What I mean is, can anyone tell me how I can get my parents to stop asking me "do you want to go on the potty?" way. It's so much more efficient just to let things fly in the diaper. I don't understand why adults don't do it. Think of all the time that gets wasted by otherwise efficient people when they take 5 minutes (or 15 minutes in my dad's case, depending on how interesting the Economist is that week) to put the biscuits in the basket. OK, enough poop talk, but I have it on the brain.

I'll post some pictures later, I just wanted to get this awesome video up for everyone to admire. By everyone I mean my grandparents and that strange guy from Malaysia that for some reason keeps reading my blog.
