Saturday, February 14, 2009

it's been ages....

....since i last updated everyone - sorry to leave everyone hanging! Must have been like Lost waiting until January for its season premiere, except my storylines are less stupid these days.

It's valentine's day, and I want to give a huge shout out to all the girls who've been fawning over me lately, clearly hoping I'd be their valentine. But my heart belongs to one girl: my mom. Well, I guess two, if you include my Heidi Klum. Bar Raphaeli isn't so bad either, and she's marginally Jewish. So ok, my heart is a bit of a jigolo, but I'm young and virile - so sue me!

Pictures only today - I'll update later this week with my expert analysis of the Obama stimulus plan.

First, I'd like to say RIP to my baby hair. A couple weeks ago, my Grandma came to town, and while I love having her here, she's a hair murderer. She snipped my hair off and it just lay there on the counter, lifeless.

The before picture - like the jungle.

I was clearly not happy with the entire affair.

The crime scene.

But I forgive her. She is my grandma after all. And she gives me bananas.

By the way, my new favorite activity - climbing into my Radio Flyer and, with a shout of "mush" (which sounds like "ma" to the lay ear), commanding that my parents push me around!

Seems like the picture-taking has slowed down a bit in my second year of life....the other babies warned me about this. I'm going to have to get working on those parents of mine...
