Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

I got medieval on some turkey today. I hope you did, too.

It's so great to spend Thanksgiving with family! My grandpa, both of my grandmas, my Aunts Belinda and Carin, my uncle Jeff, and my cousins Sam, Ryan and Sydney are all with me, and I love to have them poke me and beg me to say their names. Joy.

We played our annual Turkey Day football game - kind of like the Kennedy's but much more Jewish. Well, this was our first annual football game. And it was barely football - mainly a bunch of zero to 7 year olds running around the streets of Tarzana chasing a very wet nerf. But I got my shoulder pads on and kicked some football butt. Although, admittedly, I needed my dad to get around...

I'll just leave you with a few adorable photos from the last week - lots of action shots, and more to come later in the weekend!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

The world is just not fair

Are you kidding me? Sarah Palin is getting a $7M advance to write a book?

This, of course, begs the obvious question: Sarah Palin can write?

And the other obvious question: People who support Sarah Palin can read?

Think of all the wonderful good $7M could do for the world - for example, it could buy me 7 million jars of mango and pear baby food, which is pretty much baby crack. Or it could fully fund the Spencer Weinberg college account (which thankfully my dad still hasn't started, otherwise it'd be down 40%). Or it could feed a family of four Congolese Pygmies for life. Instead, it will pay someone to pay someone else to ghost write a book filled with material that four months ago nobody would have cared about....and hopefully four months from now it will be the same.

There, now that I've gotten that out, I have to say one more thing about Sarah Palin: she's still know, for a Governor. Then again, her competition consists of Ed Rendell, Bill Richardson and the blind guy from New York.

If I were to meet Sarah Palin at an infant playgroup next week, this is the look I'd give her...and I guarantee that this is a look that will make her swoon. I call it my "hey baby" look:

Have I mentioned that my parents think I'm officially nuts? Here I am tonight playing with my shoes before bedtime. Fine, I have a lot of sue me!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm 10 months old today!

Yes, I'm still celebrating every monthly birthday. So sue me! As long as I still get presents for these "birthdays" I'm not stopping. Hey, wait, come to think of it... I didn't get a present today from my parents. What's up with that?

All you babies out there: I'm upset. After all we did for Barack - forming history's first baby PAC (Babies Behind Barack), coordinating million-baby crawls in major cities across the country, demanding change from our parents (although most of that was diaper-related) - has anyone noticed that not a single baby has been mentioned as a potential cabinet member? And I'm not counting John Kerry, who, truth be told, is a bit infantile. To be a bit self-centered, I think I would make an outstanding Secretary of Labor - after all, just 10 months ago I was responsible for 21 hours of labor (as my mom reminds me almost daily). So if I were made Secretary of Labor, how hard could taking notes for the Labor department be? Probably just a lot of screams and shrieks and cries for epidurals.

Now that I'm 10 months old, my parents have determined that I'm old enough to join the digital age. I finally have my own blackberry (well, during the time my dad's not using it...). A blackberry's like a thnead (from the Lorax) - which everyone needs. Not only can you send messages with it:

But also it tastes great with a bit of sugar and hummus:

One thing that's a bit upsetting to me is that I still don't have any teeth. I've heard that teeth can be very useful. I brush with my dad, but really that's just for show...

So I don't have teeth. I can live with that for now, because I know I'll get them and they'll be pristine and straight like Brad Pitt's or George Clooney's. My real hope, though, has been that I can have hair like them - you know, the kind of hair that make you want to go spend $250 to have a french whackjob named herve wash, cut and shape it into some creation that could have been designed by the angels themselves. I can tell you that my dad's brillo hair has never been shaped into anything except...well, brillo. But over the last month, my hopes have been dashed. I now present to you the beginnings of my curly, brillo hair. Ugh. So I guess I'll be more Jeff Goldlbum than Brad Pitt.

Oh well, maybe my teeth will be worthy of movie starlets.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Best way to guarantee four more years?

Palin 2012

Actually, I just got a little bit ill even thinking about that. I take it back. I think I've had my fill of baked alaska.

My prediction: Bristol's engagement will be off by Monday. In fact, it's probably off already and they're trying to get back the deposit on the wedding igloo.

My second prediction: if Bristol has a boy, they'll name it Joe. Either that or something like Switchgrass.

My third prediction: Sarah definitely won't be returning the clothes.

Anyway, if you want to get thoughts of Palin out of your mind, then just watch this video and see my phat walking skeelz! Notice how I get a bit cocky the second time around and pay the price on my lower lip :( Ugh, did I just use an emoticon? Bad habit to start this young...


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


But mainly because I don't know how to speak.

Monday, November 3, 2008

And so it begins.

Doing my civic doody. I mean duty. I dragged my parents at 7am - the minute the polls opened - and STILL it took an hour and fifteen minutes! Here's my early photo montage...

Look at the lines!

We voted in some dude's garage. Seriously.

No ballot confusion here...


Fingers crossed!