Saturday, March 10, 2012

ok, so this one is worth an update

So I'm biking home from the park this morning on my cool little dirt bike with training wheels, and I look over to my daddy and say "daddy, can you take off my training wheels and i'll ride my bike this afternoon?" my dad's eyes open wide and he trips over himself saying "definitely." ok, ok, so maybe i'm super-competitive and i saw my friend ashton this morning at the park with his new bike without training wheels --- which he rides like one of those pedal-less skut bikes, but he rides it well. so yes, it was a comment born of envy. but not more than 5 hours later, the ratchet set comes out and oua-la.....

sorry that you have to turn your computer sideways to see this right -- my dad and mom are still getting used to their iphones. old people are such technology babies!

i am such a rock star.

so is my brother. more on him later.

