Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ya Vote!

Just wanted to show off my mad voting skills. My mom just found these pictures from Super Tuesday buried in our point and shoot camera - we'd forgotten about them! If it looks like I voted in somebody's garage, that's probably because I voted in somebody's garage. Filling out that form and deciding the 25 ballot propositions was clearly exhausting!

My parents complain that their Presidential vote hasn't really mattered in years - living in Massachussetts, then California (which haven't been in doubt). Maybe this is the year it matters. But there has to be a better way to do the electoral college. I came across this site the other week:
It's pretty interesting. Rather than getting rid of the electoral college, they want states to agree to allocate their electoral votes to whoever wins the national popular vote, rather than their state's popular vote. If they get states representing just 50% of the electoral votes to sign up, then they're done. This is much easier than changing the constitution. Just something for people to think about. My generation is way different from the generation of babies born in the 1780s (for one, we expect to get Wii's for our birthdays). So why should everything about our politics be the same?
I'm also going to start a national drive to lower the voting age to 8 months so I can participate in the November elections. Expect to see other babies petitioning at your local supermarket soon. Who'd say no to a baby?

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