Sunday, March 23, 2008



I'm so excited that I just met some east coast Weinberg mishpocha (or "family", for those of you other babies who haven't learned Yiddish yet - I'd recommend Baby Einstein's Yiddish Yideo). My Great-Aunt Annie and Great-Uncle Harold came by and showered me with attention. They were...hmm, how do I appropriately convey it in English...well, they were great. As you can see from the picture below, my Uncle Harold is just a crazy man. It's clear that I'm confused about why he needs to look at me through a saline solution box when I'm right in front of him. Maybe he has some kind of vision problem.

My Aunt also took a very cool picture of me on her iPhone! It's a bit grainy but any time I look this ludicrously cute I just have to post it. I'm conceited, so sue me!

I found my aunt and uncle fascinating! They were fun, and I think I smiled more at them than I ever have with anyone other than my parents!

We headed to dinner to my restaurant - Chez Spencer! Seriously, this is where we went to dinner, and I must say that mom's milk was terribly yummy this morning - rich, flavorful, and beet-y, with a hint of venison. I slept through the entire dinner. The only thing I heard was the pianist playing "As Time Goes By," which I can only assume he played again after I fell asleep. But my uncle did take a very cool picture of me at the restaurant. As soon as we figure out how to email it from his phone, I'll post it.

Now we just need to get the rest of the East Coasters out know who you are!



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