Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spencer Endorses Obama

Up to this point in my life, I've tried to stay away from political discourse. But I feel that after two months of life I cannot stay on the sidelines any longer. So I've decided to put all of my weight - all 13 pounds of it - behind a presidential candidate with the hope that it propels him or her over the top. After all, why do you think candidates are constantly kissing babies? So that the babies blog about them, of course!

Let me tell you, readers, that I'm supporting Obama. If he runs in 2026, I'll vote for him. But for now, I'll just be able to support him through cogent commentary. Here is a short list of reasons why I like Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton (and of course John McCain - who can't even spell his first name right - it should be Jon like my dad).

1. I like the way he talks. My first TV-listening experience (I didn't watch it because my eyes couldn't focus yet...) was a Democratic debate, and listening to him helped me to sleep. It was very calming. He's definitely a uniter - he united my top and bottom eyelids. If I were an adult, that would be an insult - but believe me, for a baby that's like a tax cut.

2. My perspective is that Hillary's and Barack's policies are roughly the same. They also have their fair share of misses that pander to voting blocks. But Hillary lost me with her zany proposal to "freeze" mortgage interest rates. Look, this mortgage thing stinks, but if she'd taken ECON 101 at Wellesley, she'd know that freezing rates on existing mortgages will just increase the rates for anyone trying to get a new mortgage. So she' s penalizing people who are trying to make good decisions by helping people who made terrible ones. There are better ways to help people in need than by mucking around in economics you don't understand. I read about this in the February issue of Highlights For Children that was lying in the pediatrician's office. I don't read the Goofus and Gallant cartoons, though - those are for babies.

3. I, too, am a major believer in change. My parents change me 7 times a day, and without that I'd be lying around in my own poop. So if you're not for change, you're for poop. Ergo, Hillary is the candidate for poop.

4. Obama has ears like my dad's

and most importantly:

5. Girls are icky!

I urge all of you infants out there to join with me in this fight. I've created a PAC called Babies Behind Barack, or BBB - which is the sound I make while I'm burping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Spencer! I feel for him. Loved his observations.