Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I've started to smile!

Well, after weeks of my parents asking me - even begging me - to show them any positive emotion, I finally broke down and gave some smiles over the last week or so. But between you and me, it had nothing to do with them...I've been a bit gassy lately and man it feels good to get rid of it! They seem mollified though.

Saturday night Mom and Dad and I had a very romantic dinner at a pretty schmantzy restaurant, and you should have seen the faces on the people at the table next to us when I was carried in, snuggled in my car seat but wide awake. I can only describe it as terror. But by the end of the night, I have to say everyone was impressed by how calm I was - I was just chilling watching mom's feet and smelling the lamb tagine.

I have lots of family visiting this month. My aunt and uncle from NY, my grandma and grandpa from Las Vegas, my grandma from North Carolina. It'll be exhausting. But I can't wait to see them all!

Here are a few recent pictures...

Maybe if I bite off Daddy's nose mine won't end up so big.

Wash me, familiar woman!

Man I'm so cute when I smile!!


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