Monday, October 27, 2008

"Dada" leads by 34 points in Oct 27 Spencer/Zogby Baby Poll

In partnership with Ziggy Zogby (no relation to the actual polling guy) I just finished the first ever presidential election poll of babies aged 6 to 12 months. We did fisher price phone interviews with 2,500 babies nationwide from a cross-section of income, weight and teething status.

And it was a landslide. The results (which no doubt will be on DailyKos tomorrow...):

Dada: 57%
Baba: 23%
Bbbb: 7%
Obama: 6%
Undecided: 5%
Kucinich: 1%
Palin: 1%

We found it interesting that McCain received zero votes in our poll, probably because babies assumed someone that old must already be dead. But Sarah Palin did receive a total of 2 votes from Alaskan Inuit infants who stated they believe that Palin has some choice breasts that yield ambrosia mixed by Zeus himself

OK, so as promised here are a few more pictures.

Here's me and my friend Kiley having some lunch. We're so messy. I swear we don't actually eat the spoons...but we love to chew on them.

Here I am inspecting a fake stove with my parents' friend Amy, who came to visit me!

And here I am learning to play the xylophone!

Wheeeee! Have you seen anything so cute? I'm so conceited!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

spencer, are you voting for prop 8?