Wednesday, September 3, 2008

a little riddle

Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Sarah Palin?

I just stayed up way past my bedtime to watch the Republican Vice Presidential nominee's speech. After watching it, I have a riddle for you.

So what's the difference between Sarah Palin and a hateful, divisive, over-emotive attack dog?


That was the nastiest, least graceful speech I've ever know, in my 7 months of life. Now I look back on how much I picked on Hillary for eating babies and such, and it makes me realize that Hillary wasn't that bad. Fine, Sarah's a hockey mom...but my guess is she's one of those hockey moms who get kicked out of the stands for saying nasty things about opposing players. I'm now convinced that Sarah Palin does, in fact, eat babies. If Trig suddenly goes missing, the FBI should give Sarah a cholesterol test. Or whatever test you give people to find out if they eat babies. You knew what I meant.

Coming out of that terribly mean speech that will be viewed by most people as an extremely successful introduction to the country (which even I admit she delivered very well...despite the brutishness of the content), I have to make myself feel better by...posting some unbelievably adorable pictures of me! I'm so conceited!!

Not sure if you got the memo, but I've mastered the skill of sitting up!

Here I am playing in my exersaucer.

I also LOVE to read!

Oh, and I forgot. My parents took me to yet another state this weekend....Idaho?? This means I've been to a total of 5 states: Idaho, Oregon, Ohio (what's with my parents' "O" fetish?), California and San Francisco.

Here I am at the airport.

Can you believe they let me play on the airport carpet? Yuck. Almost as yucky as my mom's leg there. No, just kidding...that's my dad's leg. But you're forgiven for believing me - we ARE from San Francisco, after all.

We went to Sun Valley, which if you find yourself lost and end up in Idaho, I'd recommend getting there as fast as possible. It's an adorable little hamlet with the cutest Swiss-looking downtown area. They were having a festival over the weekend, called Wagon Days, where all of the townies dress up as western Amish people and parade around in covered wagons. The only difference is that the people didn't ignore us like they do in Amish country.

And what goes with a festival of 19th century motorless transport? A traveling car auction!! I'm not making this up - at the same time they were filming their real-life chuck wagon commercial, an auctioneer was shilling vintage cars. I tried to convince my parents to buy me this one but they said I wasn't tall enough to reach the gas pedal. Some day!

I hung out a ton with my big friend Riley. She's going to have a little sister in a few months - the baby's code name is "Miley" but don't tell anyone. It's a secret!

And finally, a HUGE shout out to Jay and Laura, who got married this past weekend in Sun Valley in a wonderful sun-filled ceremony to which I wasn't invited because of my penchant for crying and pooping at inopportune moments, such as during the tearful recitation of wedding vows. But I'm not bitter -my parents said they had an amazing time dancing all night to what was possibly the best wedding band they've ever seen, and I can truthfully tell you that the wedding cake tasted amazing the next morning, you know, after some natural processing! Yum. Yay Jay and Laura!

Love, Spencer.

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