Thursday, January 8, 2009

(Belated) Happy New Year!

Wow, 2009. Already. I feel like it was just 2008 when I was born, took my first breath, started smiling, turned over, started crawling, started eating solid food and took my first steps. Wow, that was a lot to get accomplished in 2008! That's way more than George Bush got done...and I definitely made a much more positive impact on the world than anything he did. Can you say "compost pile"?

I had such a fun new year. I spent it down in Los Angeles (yes, another holiday in the land of Britney and Kobe) and visited my family and also a good friend of my mom who was in from a place called London, which I've never been to but I hear it's dismally grey, terribly expensive, and that even the breast milk tastes like shepherds pie.

The whole family went to the LA Zoo. Here's a great shot of me and my dad being pensive, thinking about some animal or another.

It might have been a lemur or maybe a toucan. They all look like stuffed animals to me, anyway.

My cousin Sam is a total goofball. Here he is with his underwear on his head. You can tell what I'm thinking: "this kid is odd."

I had a ton of fun with my cousins - here we are playing with the leaves in their back yard! Can you believe it? Raking the leaves in January?

And look how cute I am having fun on the slide!!

One smiley happy family...and another of my Aunt and Uncle and cousins. I call it their Family Feud pose.

I have to show a couple of videos. I'm not potty trained yet, but I definitely know how to handle toilet paper.

And here's a true classic - my grandpa singing me some nursery rhymes. Listen carefully to how he's corrupting me at such a young age!

I'm destined to be a porn king.


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