Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

I got medieval on some turkey today. I hope you did, too.

It's so great to spend Thanksgiving with family! My grandpa, both of my grandmas, my Aunts Belinda and Carin, my uncle Jeff, and my cousins Sam, Ryan and Sydney are all with me, and I love to have them poke me and beg me to say their names. Joy.

We played our annual Turkey Day football game - kind of like the Kennedy's but much more Jewish. Well, this was our first annual football game. And it was barely football - mainly a bunch of zero to 7 year olds running around the streets of Tarzana chasing a very wet nerf. But I got my shoulder pads on and kicked some football butt. Although, admittedly, I needed my dad to get around...

I'll just leave you with a few adorable photos from the last week - lots of action shots, and more to come later in the weekend!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute..:) By the way..nice to meet you! :)

-Anne Tan-