Sunday, June 8, 2008

Omnivore or cannibal?

It's been well-documented that I dig the taste of giraffe. I've also gotten very much into the taste of duck.

But recently I've decided to branch out into more exotic fare. For example, take my toe (please!). After months of intense baby yoga practice, I've been able to reach my toe to my mouth, and to be honest I like the taste. I probably spend 20% of my lying-down time eating my toes.

One thing this range of flexibility has enabled for me is that I'm very much able to turn over from my back to my stomach! All I do is lift my feet to my head, lose my balance and suddenly I'm on my stomach. Below are some pictures of my turn in action!

Another piece of news from this weekend is that I went swimming for the first time! According to my dad, I was a natural in that I didn't cry and didn't drown. It was so much fun! It was like taking a bath but with no soap and fewer visible poop particles. I don't have any pictures of this momentous event unfortunately, which is a big loss for you since I look hot in a swim diaper. Maybe next time.

OK, enough about me, let's talk about the big news this week: Barack as the Democratic nominee, and Hillary's endorsement of him that was added to that of my political action committee Babies Behind Barack (BBB - make your donations payable to Spencer Weinberg's 529 Plan!). This got me to thinking: who would BBB support as a vice-presidential nominee?

I can tell you BBB won't be supporting Hillary Clinton. I have two reasons for not liking her, in addition to the reasons I've stated in previous blogs. First, I don't like that she tried to cheat by changing the rules in Michigan and Florida after the fact. That just shows she lacks some character. But more importantly, I have this sneaking suspicion that she actually eats babies - and if she doesn't now, then she would if the pollsters were to tell her it would work well with white, working class, middle-school educated, childless old women. Oh, and girls are icky.

So who else is in the mix? A couple of senators from Virginia, a governor of Ohio and Pennsylvania, a senator from Indiana...all these people bore me.

I've done some thinking on this, and my perspective is that whoever it is, he/she can't:

1. Rhyme with Obama. This means the dream ticket of Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama is just not going to happen. Plus I never want to see Richard Gere on c-span.

2. Be older than John McCain. This shouldn't be too hard, since there are only 10 Americans in that category.

3. Be from Illinois. This rules out Abe Lincoln. Also, he's dead. And he doesn't like the theater, or so I hear. But Obama / Lincoln would sound cool.

4. Be black, unless the VP is way blacker than Barack, like, say, Flava-Flav. But while this would probably increase turnout in some key districts in swing states, I can confidently say Barack would lose Pennsylvania. If you've been to central PA, you feel me.

5. Be someone who went to an Ivy League school - Barack went to Columbia and Harvard and for some reason he gets hammered for it. This rules out his wife, although the ticket Obama Obama has a great ring to it, kind of like Boutros-Boutros Ghali. (Cornell is probably OK, though - OUCH).

6. Have a middle name like Genghis or Hitler. Hussein is enough for one campaign, thank you very much.

Now I don't know where that leaves us. Honestly, I kind of wish he'd pick Al Gore...anyone else with me?


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