So I'm two now. Terrible two. Terrific two. I don't really feel that different now than back when I was 23 months old. But everyone says I'm supposed to get more challenging now, so I may as well oblige. More on that later, not doubt.
OK the quick summary of the last couple of months. We had a bunch of visits from family - my cousins, all my grandparents, my aunts and uncles. They all came to see me, but mostly they wanted to see the wreck that is our new house. It's coming together slowly, except when my dad decides he wants to get all carpenterlike and try to do actual construction work. That's just not a good idea. We all know what happened to my people the last time there was a jewish carpenter. Bad precedent.
But there are two happenings I want to highlight. First was the trip we took to Costa Rica with my Aunt Belinda and her friend Marc. We had such an amazing time. The children in Costa Rica are soooo smart - they can speak a foreign language! Here are a few pictures from our Central American adventure.
I got to high-five a capuchin monkey, which, according to my dad, is made of actual Peet's cappucino.
We did a lot of hiking, and of course I assumed my favorite position...
...but I always made sure to stretch first.
I spent a lot of time in the ocean, with my lady-killer shades...
...and getting knocked over by the little waves....
...and just hanging out on the beach with my mom and dad.
Hey wait...a cow on the beach?????
We ate lots of good food- I discovered the wonder that is nutella - and we went out for some seriously good dinners. Check out this cute photo of the 5 of us!
We hung out within flaming lava boulder range of an active volcano...
I think this picture sums it up quite nicely - we are a ridiculously cute family...and the sunset doesn't hurt the scene either.
Oh, yeah, and by the way, the second event was that I turned 2, but since that was almost a month ago, I won't make a big deal-i-o out of it. I'll just show you the kind of goofy stuff 2 year olds do...
Happy 2010!!! Best year ever! Well, top 3 for me.
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