Sunday, November 23, 2008

The world is just not fair

Are you kidding me? Sarah Palin is getting a $7M advance to write a book?

This, of course, begs the obvious question: Sarah Palin can write?

And the other obvious question: People who support Sarah Palin can read?

Think of all the wonderful good $7M could do for the world - for example, it could buy me 7 million jars of mango and pear baby food, which is pretty much baby crack. Or it could fully fund the Spencer Weinberg college account (which thankfully my dad still hasn't started, otherwise it'd be down 40%). Or it could feed a family of four Congolese Pygmies for life. Instead, it will pay someone to pay someone else to ghost write a book filled with material that four months ago nobody would have cared about....and hopefully four months from now it will be the same.

There, now that I've gotten that out, I have to say one more thing about Sarah Palin: she's still know, for a Governor. Then again, her competition consists of Ed Rendell, Bill Richardson and the blind guy from New York.

If I were to meet Sarah Palin at an infant playgroup next week, this is the look I'd give her...and I guarantee that this is a look that will make her swoon. I call it my "hey baby" look:

Have I mentioned that my parents think I'm officially nuts? Here I am tonight playing with my shoes before bedtime. Fine, I have a lot of sue me!


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