Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Big Day!

You know what today is? It's October 16th. I'm 9 months old!

"So what?" you might say. "Spencer, are you going to celebrate your birthday every month for the rest of your life?"

My response: Yes. Mom and dad, start thinking up lots of presents. Throw in 8 days of Hannukah, Arbor Day and the Chinese New Year, and I'll be getting PS3 games pretty much every other day.

Quick side note: you know what my favorite holiday is? Japan's "Respect for the Aged Day." I'm not making this holiday up - it's held the third Monday of September. I mailed out cards to many of you, but if you didn't get them, feel free to blame the US Postal Service, which still doesn't have a mandatory retirement age.

Anyway, back to the point of my blog today...this birthday is especially important.

Let this blow your mind for a second: As of yesterday, I'd spent the majority of my existence inside my Mom. But today, I've been outside more than inside. I'm an outdoor baby! A mini-citizen of the outside world!

What does this mean?
1. I've now breathed more air than amniotic fluid. So my gills are probably gone by now.
2. I've now eaten more food through my mouth than through my belly button (although let's be honest - some still gets into my belly button)
3. I've now heard more beatles and beethoven direct from the ipod speakers than muffled through the earphones my dad used to put around my mom's belly
4. When I kick and punch, I can hurt my mom in more places than just her uterus. But I would never do that! I love my mom!

It's an amazing feeling to be an outside baby. I was born at 8lbs., 1oz and 21 inches. As of my doctor's visit yesterday, I'm 21lbs, 4oz (quite the little chubster) and 29 inches. I'm almost half as tall as my mom! Then again, she's terribly short, so that's not such a...dare I say...tall order?

So what do I like the most about the outside world that I couldn't experience about the inside world? That's easy - breast milk. But a close second is following the presidential election!

I'm so sad that last night's debate was the last debate. I really enjoyed the 4 debates (including the veep debate) - not just the event itself but also the anticipation, and watching the CNN pundits score the debates like olympic figure skating judges. It's fun to mock David Gergen for falling asleep and Bill Bennett for being loopy.

I was so proud of Barack last night. He slapped McCain in the face...verbally of course...when McCain wouldn't end the Ayers discussion with the killer line (I'm paraphrasing here) "All this distraction says more about your campaign than it does about me." Then McCain continued pressing the issue! Maybe he didn't hear the remark. Maybe he was thinking about whether he put his dentures in the Efferdent back on the bus. But he appeared so clueless after that.

The other thing I loved was that Barack didn't take the bait when the moderator (who was the best of any of the debates) asked whether the veep candidates were qualified to be President. He could have launched into all of the issues - rape kits, abuse of power, witch doctors, ducking the media, you name it. But he stayed above the fray. Clearly, getting into her experience would have given an opportunity for a McCain one-liner response, like "I'd take her over you" or something silly like that. But it just goes to show how sharp and thoughtful Obama is. The guy just gets it.

Now that I'm an outside citizen, I do desperately hope that I'll be able to vote. ACORN came by the other day and registered me - for the Babytarian party, of course. But I'm not sure that was kosher. Especially because I also saw Boutros-Boutros Ghali and the sign for Prince on the registration list. But it's a first step. Some day!

Anyway, I'm excited to be 9 months old. Happy Outside Day to my friend Kiley, too - she was born the same day as me! Here we are playing together a few days ago.

Aren't these next 2 the absolute cutest pictures ever? I'm so conceited!!!


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