This Tuesday is yet another installment of the Democratic primaries. I have to tell you that I'm tired of these primaries. The 2008 Democratic primaries have been going on literally my entire life.
If you're reading this in either Indiana or North Carolina I have a message to deliver to you in between all of the nasty political ads and news segments about nasty political ads you're seeing on TV (no doubt you miss the Bud Light ads and movie previews). As president of the San Francisco chapter of BBB (see my March 18 posting...) I'd like to urge you to vote for Obama. And I know that all you Hoosiers and Tar Heels look to San Francisco for your political guidance, right?
The reason I REALLY hope that Obama wins in both states is because I think then and only then will Hillary stop hoping that the National Enquirer breaks a story that Suri Cruise is actually Obama's love child and just end her campaign. Finally we'll be able to turn our attention to John McCain and the series finale of Scrubs this Thursday night. 5 bucks JD and Eliot still don't get together.
Which brings me to my main topic for today. Did you know that when John McCain graduated from the Naval Academy sometime before the invention of color televison, his class rank was 894 out of 899. 6th from the bottom. Bottom 1%.
Let's put this into context. If I had been in McCain's graduating class, it's not entirely unreasonable that I could have been ranked ahead of him, what with my ability to do almost one pushup and my preternatural understanding of seasonal ocean currents. Note to new readers: I'm 3 1/2 months old.
It scares me to to think that the reward for this kind of extreme underachievement is the presidency [insert Bush joke here]. I want my president to be someone who is smarter than me [insert Bush joke here]; a person who can make reasoned judgments based on an understanding of what other smart people advise them to do [insert...ok enough of that]. Now that doesn't mean that the president has to have been the valedictorian of New Rochelle High School (go Fighting Huguenots!), but I'd say top 80% of class should be expected. Think about who the bottom 1% of your graduating class of ANYTHING was and imagine him/her as president. Good luck sleeping tonight with dreams of Jeff Klein in the oval office (now let's see if Jeff actually reads this...).
Here's another frame of reference. You know the old joke, "What do you call the person who graduates last in his medical class? Doctor." Now imagine you find out your baby's pediatrician graduated 894 out of 899 in his Naval Academy medical class. Auf wiedersehn Dr. Lipschutz.
OK, off of my soapbox for today. There are many other reasons that he scares me, but I'll give him credit that his wife is an uber-rich babealot. I'd like her to change my diaper, if you know what I mean. I actually don't know what I mean. What does that mean?
Here are a few recent pictures of me hanging out in my chair. In the first one I kind of look ready to hold court, no?
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