Doesn't he look like he has a mohawk here?
I seriously think my brother is adorable. We do a bunch of things lie on the floor when he's doing tummy time...
Or hang out in our matching chairs! (Thanks Jonah!)
Or hang out with Mommy!
This has been my first summer up north of San Francisco, and the weather couldn't be more different. You know the old saying by Mark Twain - "the coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco" - well it was definitely true, but up here, just a few minutes past the Golden Gate Bridge, it couldn't be more different. Well, maybe I overstated that, it's probably more different in the middle of Algeria. But it's definitely warm enough to hang out at the pool...(with my friend Emilia)
And my dad even washed his Prius for the first time in about 3 years...and I got to participate!
And we even planted a lemon tree at our new house...and my dad says it's a good luck lemon tree because he planted something of mine and Drew's under it. I can't wait for the lemons to grow so I can throw them at passing cars.
I feel the need to leave you with this unbelievably adorable picture of me and my brother.