I just love doing this with my parents. They spin me around and around and for some reason they always end up kissing me over and over again. Maybe this doesn't quite qualify as a lambada forbidden dance, but it might be close!
This past weekend my parents and I took a trip up north to the center of all the wildfire action, up in Hopland, CA with our friends Chris, Doug, Jay, Laura and Megan. We got so lucky that when we got up there the winds picked up and blew the smoke totally out of our breathing space! So lucky!
I like getting out of the city. Don't get me wrong - San Francisco is a great town! - but being up in the country, the fresh air, the smell of cows and sweaty farmers, it just reminds me of my youth...mainly because my memory goes back about 10 minutes running, so all I remembered when I was up there was, you know, being up there.
So what does a young, eligible infant such as myself do when up in the wilds of Northern California? I did a bit of swimming...
I played a bit of Risk - and successfully defended Irkutsk with one army against the onslaught of 54 Mongolians!
And I drove around a buddhist compound called...I am not making this up..."The City of 10,000 Buddhists." Check their peaceful website out at www.cttbusa.com. Seriously. If you want to find it, take a left at Inspiration Avenue and a right at Mindfulness Way. I'm still not making this up. If you're old enough, you could enroll at Instilling Goodness Elementary School (home of the Fighting Badgers?). I'd never seen anything like this before. Apparently the compound used to be a state mental facility. I'll leave it to you to finish that joke according to your own personal threshold of cultural insensitivity.
All in all it was such a great weekend!
I also wanted to post one of my favorite pictures of me with my grandma Joyce, who came to visit a couple of weeks ago - we look cute together, don't you think?
OK, sorry no political discourse this week - quite honestly the only big news was all this brou-ha-ha about Barack giving up federal funding and, as McCain says, "going back on his word," but this is all so unbelievably ridiculous. If McCain could raise funds like Barack, you think McCain wouldn't be doing the same? McCain's just being a bit of a baby, politically speaking, and take it from a baby to know a baby. Anyway, I've spent too much time on this topic, it warrants about 5 seconds of mind share but that's all.
Have a great fourth of July everyone!