Sunday, May 25, 2014

Back in action after a long, long absence

OK so my mom reminded me that even though I'm busy with important duties like kindergarten and being a big brother, I have to remember to blog.  And it's been well over six months, so rather than updating on everything that's happened since that adorable post from Halloween, I'm going to hit just a few highlights like….

My little brother Drew learning to ride a bike -- his first solo ride was May 3rd!  He asked my dad to take off his training wheels, and off he went!

And then just a week later he was a pro!

And my little brother Jared learning to walk -- in early March, when he was just shy of 11 months old!  He's growing so fast.

I threw in that last part because it was so cute watching him eat his first cupcake on his first birthday down in Los Angeles!!

Also, Jared took his first bike ride on April 18th, just after he turned one, and he loved it!

And I'm playing real baseball --- well, I don't have Tim Lincecum pitching to me, it's my coaches, but it's a lot more real than t-ball last year.  I'm on the A's this year, with some of my neighborhood friends!

And what else to report?  Since October, we've gone to Cabo San Lucas for Christmas break with my dad's family and Austin Texas for New Years with my mom's family.  And we went down to Los Angeles for a few days around Passover and went to DisneyLand for the first time ever!  We all loved that trip.  We have so many pictures from it, it's hard to know where to begin!  So I won't bother yet.

More pictures to come….


Thursday, October 31, 2013

happy tiger halloween!

It's a jungle out there --- and we boys are the boys to tame it!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First day of kindergarten!!

I am so ready, Freddie. Crazy little thing called school. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Jared Lucas Weinberg! April 11th!

My new baby brother!  Here are a couple of pictures, hot off the presses....

8lb, 1.5oz --- half an ounce heavier than me...and 22 inches!  He's huge!  Check out the second picture, doesn't that red nose look like he was drinking a little bit of bourbon through that umbilical cord?  Mom, what were you up to?

I'm so happy to be a DOUBLE big brother.

Almost as important, I'll leave you with this picture, which captures my focus for the last month or so...

Yes, that's right --- I'm a t-ball player, and a New York T-Ball Yankee!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

happy birthday to me! and happy new year to all

It's official --- I'm 5 years old!  And thanks to GoDaddy, I now own my name's URL for yet another 5 years.  A big thanks to that lady who is the face of GoDaddy who wears tight outfits but never wins car races.  

So I'll update you on a couple of things.  First, over the new year we went to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico with my Aunt Belinda and Uncle Marc.  Unlike the rest of Mexico, we saw little drug violence there.  Other than that one time we saw two old people arguing over the last bottle of PeptoBismol on the shelf. 

Here are a few pictures of the trip:

Beautiful sunset on the beach!
Go Drew!  Looking cool in those shades!

A bit of snorkeling with Mommy and Daddy.  Man that water was cold!

Had to get some baseball practice in.  Guess who bought these shirts for us?

Drew and Daddy laughed all week!

Daddy playing defense while we played in the ocean.  Crazy undertow.  I don't think he liked it too much...

And Aunt Belinda joined in playing defense with Drew!

There I am getting sucked in by the undertow. Thank goodness for Daddy's legs!

Uncle Marc was so much fun on the beach!  Here he is drenching us after he helped us dig a big hole for us to play in.

Cutie petootie in the pool

Aunt Belinda, you're wet!!
I slid over and over again on this whale slide.
Splash!  In the pool!
Drew tried it too. He didn't like it as much :(
We had such an amazing time!

Drew started to play soccer this month -- here he is at his first ever soccer class!!  He was awesome.

OK, what else.  My birthday was a week or so ago, and I had an amazing party with my friend Ari, whose birthday is two days before mine.  Bowling party!  What goes with a bowling party?  Bowling cupcakes!
My cake at home with Mommy, Daddy and Drew
Me and Ari, birthday boys.

Drew had an awesome time bowling!  Even though he could barely lift the ball....
Launching the ball....and.....

Strike!!!  No joke!
With Grandma and Pop-Pop after the party.

Oh, and did you know that Drew and I are moving in together?  We got bunk beds!  A few nights ago, Drew had his first night sleeping in his new big boy bed, and he did great.  And I love being up above him on the high bed.  So fun!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Slumber party!

My brother sleeping in a big boy bed for the first time...on my trundle bed!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012